Wednesday, May 4, 2011



Here I am. Innocent, content, sheltered me. I write novels for the fun of it and make music for the joy of it. If there was no such thing as the outside world, I could see my life stretching out before me on a shining, exciting road.

But there is an outside world. It has tornadoes, failing economies, and terrorists. And it won't be contained by my blissful denial or ignorance.

So, again, here I am, armed with a suddenly-iffy outlook on the future. I am fifteen years old--I certainly haven't seen much of the world. But I have gathered that the future does not make or keep promises.

The future doesn't--but God does.
I have said these things tot you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. ~John 18:33


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Margaret. I needed to hear this.

Rebecca-Joy said...

Beautiful picture!
Nice post as well.
In Christ,

Ellyn said...

That verse is such a comfort!!