That really struck me- the tag you see above had been on that Rubbermaid that held our childhood toys for a long over a decade. Now the bin is filled with the stuff someone needs for life in a college dorm room, not passing the playtime hours. Things really can change.
Being the dedicated (yeah right!) fan that I am, it took me a few months after its release to get Celtic Woman's newest CD! But I did get it, and I think it's fantastic. If you are not familiar with these singers, I will say that their performance style is not exactly my favorite (big and showy), but the music is wonderful. I was amazed at how much Celtic Woman has changed since their original CD from 2004; Chloe especially, but I still like her a lot. And I am delighted with Lynn and Alex, the two girls that I hadn't 'met' until this week.
Check this out: my roommate [sister] and I got new coverlets! Simple pleasures, right? :)
I turned fifteen! My birthday was very nice, thanks to my wonderful family.
Okay, I have caught IBS (Insecure Blogger Syndrome) and have a request to make of you: I would love it if you could tell me your opinion of this blog, and suggestions for it if you have any. I have allowed anonymous comments if you don't want me to know who you are, but you can still be as nice as normal when you comment. I also have a poll up, so please vote.
Thanks so very much!
~Margaret R.
Happy birthday! Glad it was fun. :-)
I voted on your poll... I do think it would be fun to see more of your writings on your blog!
Happy birthday!... a few days late :)
I know what you mean; my brother went off to college this year too. Things certainly change.
As for your blog, pictures are always a treat! And so are bits and blerbs of the story(s) you may be writing :)
Happy Happy Birthday!
Hope you had a purely wonderfully, awesome day!
K xx
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