Monday, September 13, 2010

Of candles and a cat

I was all set up with two of my favorite writing accessories-my candles and cat-but my camera looked more appealing than my pencils, so I took these pictures.

These are (obviously) two of my candles. You could say that my love of candles is definitely one of my quirks; I love candles. The green one is rosemary-cedar wood in its scent. That would be my all-time favorite scent for a candle. The orange one is tropical fruit scented, also very good.

The glow is so appealing in the evening light!

Here is my another favorite of mine. My precious, darling, cat. His name is Kiwi.

I was kind of bummed that his ear met the frame of my window in this one, ruining the silhouette, but again, I am liking that light. (Margaret? Liking the light in a photo? What a surprise. *sarcasm*)

Here are some better shots at his lovely outline:

See those pretty eyes? They are kiwi green. Here's a picture from another day to show you:

Yes, I am fond of animals, especially the ones that I live with.
Thanks for looking and reading,
Margaret Rowena


Ellyn said...

I love the picture of Kiwi behind the candle. And I looove candles as well. My favorite one is a cranberry-ice scented one and another cool one is one I made in a dyed egg shell :)

Susannah said...

Aww... that last picture of him reminds me a lot of my black cat Meg that we used to have.