It's unedited, unadulterated, and the same novel I wrung out over the course of five months. I renamed it Misadventures and Realizations off the cuff. Maybe to add to the general flippancy of the thing. ;)
I didn't edit before requesting the free copy. I just wanted to move on after finishing it, but the offer from NaNoWriMo expires in a month, and there's no way I could rewrite an improved version in that time. Writing Cadish was a learning experience, pure and simple.
I learned that:
~I shouldn't mess with love story threads
~Or death scenes
~.875 is too a wide a gutter margin for a 350-page book
~You need to make the title and copyright pages by yourself when you publish with CreateSpace. That somehow slipped my mind while prepping the file!
~I need to be myself when I write. I need to say what I want and need to say.
And a few other useful things, too. All said, I am soooo glad this is my first novel. It's my map for the future. :) Now as I form my new novel, I know what I need to avoid, and what I need to strive for! I love that.
That is so cool! I bet you're excited. :)
Your last note, that you need to be yourself when you write, is something that has taken me YEARS to realize. Yes, I've been myself before in my writing, but not to the extent I am now. I'm finally letting my characters have full rein and writing what I know needs to happen. I'm letting myself describe the world as I view it--not trying to borrow phrases and descriptions from anyone else--and I think my writing has progressed greatly. I'm putting emotions and reactions into the story that have never been there before. And within the space of one scene, I've seen my characters gain depth and humanity more than ever before.
Keep up the good work!
That is so cool!!!!! The cover is quite pretty. (:
love always,
Wow, when I was your age it had never occurred to me to write a book! I suppose the Lord knew I would be better at photography!
Congratulations :D
You're amazing, Miss M.! It's cool you're okay with letting go and just using it as a learning experience if you feel that's what you want. Besides, remember that quote? How it's your third novel that you get published? ;)
- Ellyn
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