I said I was not going to post for a while, didn't I? But my brain is feeling a bit fried right now and I need a bit of "purposeful" screen time that does not include the words 'word' and 'count' bouncing around in my head. NaNo is super amazing and I could write a gushy post that would take all night for you read. But I won't. :)
And now, for some accumulated tags. (Sorry, guys, that I did not post them until now!)
From El'rania:
1. What was the first word you've ever said?
I do not remember. It was probably something exciting like 'da'. ;)
2. Would you rather only be able to eat fruits, or vegetables the rest of your life?
Hmm... fruit, I think. That would satisfy my insane sweet tooth. :)
3. Do you plan to move or stay where you are when you grow up?
Wherever God leads. I wouldn't mind moving farther north, though.
4. Going into battle, do you choose a longbow or a crossbow?
Longbow. Crossbow's are too... technical.
5. Have you ever passed out? If so, when and why.
Nope. I quote my doctor: "You are disgustingly healthy!" He's a really cool doctor. :)
6. What was your most memorable Halloween costume?
When I was a toddler, I wore a huge yellow turtleneck in an effort to be a piece of cheese. (Not my idea!) One of my brothers was a mouse. From what I am told, we were a huge hit at the party. :)
7. If someone told you that you won the lottery of $1,000,000,000 what would your reaction be?
"Snap, you must have the wrong girl! I don't but tickets and besides, I am underage. But if the real winner doesn't want it, you know where I live..." :)
8. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Ooh, hard question. But I think I would do something like Jane Doe, then give myself a really snazzy middle name!
From Lily:
1. If you could marry any male book character, who would it be?
I am not telling. ;)
2. What book character is the closest to your personality?
Hmm. . . I am not sure. Someone who is mostly shy. Any ideas?
3. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Ahh! I love Disney! Beauty and the Beast is probably my very favorite, but Mulan and Pocahontas are close behind.
4. Are you a spender or a saver?
A saver, probably because I so rarely go on true shopping trips, though. But I could easily go nuts in any Macy's, American Outfitter's, or J. Crew.
5. If you had a $10,000 shopping spree to any store, which would you choose?
Toast!!!!That would mean I would have to go to the UK to claim my prize. Fine with me! :) Or is there such thing as a Nikon store....?
6. Who is your favorite Disney princess?
Belle. Wait, Pocahontas. No. . . it's Belle. :)
7. Describe your favorite piece of jewelry (or show a picture!)
Do you remember the ring in this post? I feel like someone fresh out of any kind of amazing novel when I put that beauty on. :)
8. If you were a color, which would you be?
Green. It's so peaceful. I am big fan of peace. (Middle child characteristic!)
From Ellyn:
I share seven likes, eight hates, and one love. Here we go!
Music in a minor key
Blogging (Apparently! I couldn't stay away from it!)
Bridal magazines
Hello Kitty
Beautiful photography
Hates: (Hmm, this is a strong word)
Politics with seemingly no possibly good outcome
Turmoil with friends
Slow computers
Rampantly immodest clothes in any juniors section at any store
Writer's Block
Broken piano keys
All those millions of ridiculous fan pages on Facebook (Sorry that this is mundane, but they bother me.)
One love:
What? Just one? Okay, fine.
My loving, forgiving, wonderful God and Savior
I also love writing.
I am going to tag anyone who:
a) Loves someone
b) Thinks this looks fun and wants to do it.
Signed with a flourish,
Margaret Rowena