Monday, November 15, 2010

First Impressions

When I peruse the shelves at the library, the first thing that draws me to a book is its title. Then I look at the cover. That is when the decision of whether or not I want to read the book really begins. If the cover features art or a photo that does not appeal to me, maybe I will scan the description to see if there's a possibility that it's a good book, but most of the time, I just put it back.

In many ways, the book's cover decides its fate with every different prospective reader. I have been playing around with cover designs for my NaNo novel lately, which started me thinking about all of the covers I have come across in my life, and which ones have stuck with me. Here are some of them:

My Antonia by W
illa Cather
Whoa. Isn't this the most beautiful picture ever? It is s
o perfect for this lovely story about Nebraska . I also am loving the font and layout.
Peace like a River by Leif Enger
This is one of my top favorites of any cover an
ywhere! I would sit down, intending to read the book, but would often end up simply gazing at its cover. It ties in perfectly with the title; don't you just feel instant peace when you look at it?
The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke
This is one of my absolute favorite books! And the cover is amazing, too! I love its magical, mysterious feel.
A Charmed Life b
y Liza Campbell
I have not read all of this book, which is a memoir
about a girl who grew up in a European castle, but I do know that the cover is darling! Don't you love how sweet and innocent she looks on her drawbridge? Sorry that the image isn't bigger!

Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Mariller
This is another one I haven't read yet, but intend to sometime soon-ish. I love the details of the gorgeous painting; everything is so brilliantly vibrant. And don't you love that fish? What is it doing out of water? I think that I need to read the book and find out . . . :)

The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine
This is one of my favorite books from a few years ago. What I like about this cover is how regal the princesses look. Meryl is brave and adventurous and Addie is humble and timid, and they look perfect in the painting.
Tell me about your favorite book covers!


Ellyn said...

I love the one for "Wildwood Dancing"! I'm gonna copy you and do a post like this if its ok :)


Mia said...

It's fine with me! I will look forward to seeing your faves. :)

Anonymous said...

I love My Antonia cover. So pretty!

alex anne said...

I really love the book "A Mango Shaped Space" and its cover. The book is about a girl with this really cool disorder that makes her see shapes and colors to sounds, tastes, and feelings she has. It's by Wendy Mass. Best. Book. Ever!

Here is a link to the cover:

Caroline said...

Wildwood Dancing!!! That is, like, one of my favorite books EVER. Seriously, it's incredible. Read it as soon as possible.=D

Susannah said...

Yep, the cover for "My Antonia" was what made me want to read it. I actually didn't love the book... but it was interesting, and it made me decide to name one of my future baby girls Antonia. : )

Tessa Emily Hall said...

I pay more attention to the covers of books rather than the titles. They can turn me away (such as if the book has a "dirty" cover), or it can attract me to it (such as one of the covers you mentioned. I especially love the first cover that you gave.)

Some of my favorite book covers include "Caleb + Kate" by Cindy Martinusen Coloma, "Beautiful" by Cindy Martinusen Coloma, "Christy and Todd: The College Years" by Robin Jones Gunn, and all of Erynn Mangum's covers (because they each have a coffee on them).

Thank you for sharing this! =)

God bless,


PS- Just so you know, tomorrow on my blog I will be holding a holiday giveaway for the chance to win a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble. Make sure to enter if you are interested!

Emily V. said...

I realize this post was actually from like a year ago, so I'm super late in responding to this -- in my defense I just started following a couple months ago. ;)

Anyway, I think my absolute favorite book covers are Wildwood Dancing and its companion novel Cybele's Secret. I was SO excited when I saw that Wildwood Dancing was in your list too, and would like to urge you to read it NOW if you haven't already. It is seriously one of the most beautiful books I have ever read, and it moves quickly. Also, take a look at this cover:
another one of my favorites. :)