Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Arriving at a Photo

The other day, I wanted to take a picture of my desk for my photography project. I had just joined Pinterest and wanted to show off how it inspired me to organize that usually-cluttered piece of furniture. Here's how I got it the photo I decided on.


The first photo I took. It's alright, but I'm certainly mot satisfied with the distracting background. And this whole deal was about the death of clutter, so I'll try something else.


Second angle. I like it, but it wasn't quite what I had in mind . . .


Here we go! I like this one - it's clean, bright, and the order is clear. Maybe it's a bit too clean, though . . .

[23/25] This is what Pinterest will do to you.

. . . so I added an extra element to make the whited-out half matter a bit. Have I mentioned that G2 pens are a favorite of mine?

So there it is! A nice thing about digital photography has to be the breathe-easy way of experimenting . . . no film's being wasted, after all!

Of course, the beauty of film is that you're not going to take a photo that might not be what you want . . .

But that's a different topic entirely. =)

PS - Check a guest post I wrote here today!


Celtic Traveler said...

What are those CDs on your desk? Thier titles, I mean.

katie josephine d said...

I love your photos! The lighting is AMAZING. Beautiful layout too(:

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! Loved the angles, and what a lovely desk :) have a great day xoxo

Jenna Blake Morris said...

I love how bright these photos are! And agreed -- G2 pens are awesome.

Mia said...

Thanks for your comments!

@Celtic Traveler: The cases are mostly Vivaldi, and my parent's choir. In the zipper ones are all sorts: Jose Gonzalez, Celtic Woman, Bach, Phil Keagy, Windham Hill... lots of good stuff. I love music! =)

Kendall said...

I like all these photos, but the last one is my favorite. Your desk is so nice! :)