Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How odd.

My camera is missing.

I am remarkably at peace.

I will probably find it somewhere soon. It can't be far away.

I think I know why I am so calm. Here's why: losing my lil' Cybershot is the perfect reason to get a DSLR.

Isn't that awful of me? Have I no loyalty? That's the camera that sent me off on this photography rabbit trail in the first place! {Almost exactly two years now. Who woulda thunk?}

A week or three ago, I spent a few days telling myself that don't need a Nikon yet, that I am not ready (which still sounds a bit like tosh to me, but I am just biased), and maybe Canon is better after all. Then a flyer came in the paper from the local camera store. Full of delicious, tantalizing, deals on big, lovely cameras.

I gritted my teeth and said, "No! It's not an option right now!"

I wrote down my list of requirements/dreams for my camera, and showed it to God. Photography may be only a little interest in my girl's life, and if He doesn't want me to get all carried away with it, then I won't. It's all so very fine.

See? There's that lack of wild frenzy again! But going back to my Missing In Action current camera . . . I'll find it when/if I am supposed to. I'll remind myself that life as a photographer is mostly what you make it. I will write my novel and do my school and get my driver's license and work on my violin skills.

I was (am) a photographer, right? I know what perspective is; now I need to give myself some.

what to do when.... {5/365}

Double self-portrait in the screen
. . . aka major inspiration block from a few weeks ago. :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't know whether to say "hope you find your camera soon!" or "Hope you get an SLR soon!" ;) :D

Mia said...

I am trying to figure that out for myself, too! XD So crazy.